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    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    Hello world!

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.

  • In this heartfelt testimonial, I share my personal journey from the depths of despair to finding hope and redemption. Discover the challenges I faced, the lessons I learned,…

    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    My Journey from Darkness to Light: A Testimony of Hope

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.

  • In this candid post, I outline my harrowing battle with addiction and the inspiring story of my recovery journey. From the uncontrollable cravings to the rock bottom moments,…

    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    Breaking Free: Overcoming Addiction and Embracing Sobriety

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.

  • Grief is an inevitable part of life, and in this poignant post, I reflect on my experiences with loss and the transformative journey towards healing. I delve into…

    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    Navigating Loss: Finding Healing and Hope Amidst Grief

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.

  • Life is filled with uncertainty, but through this reflective post, I share the lessons I’ve learned about surrendering control and putting my faith in God’s plan. Explore the…

    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    Lessons Learned: Embracing Faith and Trusting God’s Plan

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.

  • Uncover the incredible journey of restoration and renewal as I recount the story of rebuilding my life with the help of God’s grace. From shattered dreams and painful…

    1st death, 2nd death, vision/dream testimonies

    From Brokenness to Restoration: Rebuilding My Life with God’s Grace

    14 min read

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God. 




    He who has The Son has The Father. He who does not have The Son does not have The Father.

    Zechariah 8
    As Jesus has shown me such great Salvation, and has called me friend and washed my feet; so i do for you who read this.  Friend;This is my washing your feet in trading my title for a towel(Galatians 5:13,14). Philippians 1:12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;… Read Romans 10:6-13

    Before reading this testimony Read; Lamentations 3:19-33,

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 39

    Before reading this testimony Read; Psalm 46

    Before i gave my life to the Lord Jesus whole heartedly i called myself a christian while not knowing Jesus personally.  i was afraid i’d fall-away from the Lord once if i did.   And worse i lived my faith riding on the coat-tails of the faith of my great grandma who was the only one in all my families i could find who genuinely had Jesus in her because she let Jesus genuinely come through her.  i only wish i would have totally given all my life to Jesus so very much earlier in my life….i didn’t get saved till i was 29.  Reading this testimony: 
    Simply put; This was written That you may know Him(Jesus)….. Psalm 49 et al, esp. v. 12-17 Let me tell you a testimony. A testimony of a man who died. In short; that seizures killed, and God Raised back to life. Psalm 68:21,22

    Zechariah 9:9-11  This fella was born with Arterial Vascular Malformations(AVMs) in his skull. One day, (in Oct. 1984) at the age of sixteen, one of them burst. This first AVM was about the size of a baseball before it finally burst. He had been living with this AVM in his head for all his 16years of life before it finally, one morning before school,—all the sudden it burst. It should’ve killed him, ……the amount of blood it put into his spinal cord should’ve been enough to. Psalm 6:4

    Psalm 79:11 Good news, Bad news the surgeons would approach him with after he came out of the operation to remove the burst AVM, “After running the post-op Angiogram we found that your operation was a success, but we found another one, and this one is deeper inside to the center of your brain, and only about the size of a dime, intact, and un-ruptured. Would you like for us to operate on that since your first operation went so well, you’re young, strong, and we have a ready access to reach it? You have all the surgeons already assembled still, you’re here, and though this is in a trickier area to reach being that it’s closer to the area controls your vision and sight, but at least it’s not at the pituitary gland.”. Psalm 102:19-22

    Psalm 94:17-19 With such high esteem from the doctors, seeing that he came out of the first surgery almost unscathed, and totally intact…he would chose to go through with the second operation. Psalm 118:17,18

    Isaiah 57 et al. God would send this young man a man of God, who would come to visit him in the middle of his one week wait between surgeries, who would only just knock on the door of the hospital room, open the door ever so gingerly, and ask simply, “Would you like to have prayer for whatever it is that you’re going through?”. And as politely, as he could this young fella made a decision to put his trust in the hands of surgeons, instead of God, and just replied, “No, no thank-you that’s alright.” Little did this young fellow know it was God’s last calling to him. Ecclesiastes 6:12

    James 4:14 The next surgery would prove to be extremely detrimental. It almost killed the young fella. He lost half his vision in both eyes, he lost all his memory of his past, he lost his ability to remember anything new… being reduce to only a 3second duration memory recall span. And the pain…immense pain he would be engulfed in from the moment he came out of surgery forward; that would be so sharp that even in the ICU waking after the surgery; the whole hospital would hear him scream and curse God even to three stories above. Psalm 139:7-12

    Psalm123 et al. Seizures would be a direct resultant of these operations too, and most nefariously would prove to be the most detrimental. Seizure medicines would not prove to be enough to stop the seizures. Switching back and forth from one max-dose brand of seizure medicine to another was the only counter-attack, and it wasn’t enough. Though memory would slowly heal, and function periodically increase for the young man, his eyesight would never improve, and the seizures just kept beating up his heart. Always while laying down tired from the day, and too weak to sleep–
    Too depraved of sleep to go into sleep; the seizures would Hit him. He was conscious through all his seizures. He had petite-mal-seizures that would thrash his soul around like a doll while always lowering his heart rate, and they could occur many times in a day, many times a week, and many times to the point of death. Psalm 88 et al

    Psalm 18:1-6 Youth flees away, and beauty fades, and eventually the heart just can’t take it any-more. There comes a day of attack so ominous that finally; the inevitable happens.(April 1992) The heart stops.Psalm 69:1-3, 13-21, 33

    Psalm 68:18-20 He gasps to get another breath, and gets nothing. At that last beat, a swelling excruciating pain emerges from his chest. His heart enlarges, feeling like it’s going to burst. His eyes start to roll back in his head and he “whites-out”, while at that instant in his very last thought he thinks, “O.K. let’s see where this goes.”. Psalm 116 et al, esp. v.3-11, esp. v.17

    Psalm 56:8,12,13 His soul leaves his body, and immediately he plummets straight down into a pitch-black-pit. He was as if he just thrown into the caverns of the deep. Though he died in a lay down position; he found himself in a standing posture, and falling at about half the speed of gravity on earth, and not as if falling, no, in fact it was more like being pulled down into this Blast of Pitch-Black-Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all good was taken away and replaced with the deepest dark Darkness below the earth’s surface. He trembled like a little baby for fear of what was happening to him. It was the most destitute of silence, as he fell. He looked all around for any evidence of life, hope, anything and all was raped/stripped away and changed to the deepest darkness his eyes had ever seen. As he looked down to where he was going…the darkness was so much that it was engulfing him as if it were compressing him into nothing. He couldn’t see his feet, or from the knees on down as the darkness was swallowing him up, and in greatest despair, he looked up and could only see just a hole that he dropped down from. The light that was shining on him was from that opening above him and was becoming bleaker, and weaker, smaller, and smaller,…..and thinking that he was a Christian, after all, his family and him called themselves Christians….with all his heart he cries out as he reaches out his hands into that darkness…..”Jesus, if I can find you on the other side of this darkness, I know I’ll be alright.”. Psalm 33:18-22

    Psalm 130 And as soon as he called-out-with-Faith in the Name of God’s Son..Jesus to help him…(without even seeing Jesus); Jesus reached down from above and rescued him, lifted him up out of that miry-pit, and put this young man’s soul and spirit back into his body. Psalm 18:1-6 

    Psalm 30 :1-5 Ever so gently, Jesus nudged his heart, and got it going again; At the first heart beat, being consciously aware, the fellow could hear his own blood platelets hitting each-other as that first pump of the heart pushes the blood to flow through his veins.   (At the first woosh of blood flow from the first pump of the hart; It’s like the sound of a hand-full of sand being sprinkled on the hard surface of a tile floor in the quietest of rooms.)   And his heart, in assimilation to a old cold engine being turned over by the turn of a key, so too his heart desperately sputtered momentarily for a half-hour to an hour to finally find it’s normal lub-dub rhythm.  He came back to life on this earth in fear…intrinsically severe fear of where he had just come from. Psalm 28:1-3 
    Psalm 40:1-4 You would think, wouldn’t you, that this man would’ve given his heart and life to Jesus as Lord and be a real Born-Again-Saved-Christian from having suffered this….I wish I could tell you that happened.   You see, this man thought he was a Christian at the time he died—like so many do.   After all, he prayed, he went to church occasionally, he watched christian t.v. for a sermon, or listened to christian radio every so often, and yes, he had a bible in the house.   Yes, like so many do, he just thought that his simple(do as you want to do, what you want to do, “hey…I’m not that bad of a person, I’m a good person”)easy believism in Jesus was enough.   This fella concluded that this was just part of what you must go through to get to Jesus.   Beyond that stupidity that so many choose to live in; this fellow had memory problems, and after “believing in God”, on a good Sunday morning, would or could just wake-up one morning….Teus.?, Wed.? and forget God….which he did occasionally sometimes by accident, but worse sometimes on purpose.   Or maybe he’d be on the job and make an error, and just start cussing a few words only to have someone come up to him and inquire, “Hey, I thought you were a Christian?”–for him to maliciously retort, “Well, maybe I’m not.  I don’t know.”. Psalm 107esp. v.8-22, (10-14deliverance from the pit)

    Psalm 86:11-13 The bigger question would linger inside him…Deep, deep inside he knew, but he didn’t want to believe that he needed to admit that he really was a sinner, and that he needed to Repent (of all sin), not just some sin, and surrender all he is with all the bad he’s done to Jesus, and ask Jesus to forgive him, ask Jesus to wash away his sin with His blood, and invite Jesus into his heart for Jesus to be the LORD of his life—Surrendering his whole life, spirit, soul, mind, body, and will(all the good and all the bad)to Jesus …inviting Him in to take control and be Lord of his life and to be filled with Jesus and be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God—and that in doing so would receive the mind of Christ so as to never forget God by beginning a deep personal Daily Relationship With God(sec.to sec., min.to min., hour, to hour, an every-day personal Relationship with Jesus). Psalm 126et al 

    Psalm 103 Sadly to say, this man wouldn’t give his life completely to Jesus until five years later.  And he would suffer yet another death from seizures later in his life less than just six months after receiving Jesus as Lord,   I mean really receive Jesus as Lord of his life.   And how can I say that?… …because you see… that fellow I’ve been giving you his testimony and telling you about; that fellow, that person was me…..David James Collins. Psalm 25:12-18

    Psalm 16:10,11. I thank you for taking this moment of time to let me tell and share with you my testimony….at least this part of it anyway. Psalm121

    Eccl. 6:12 Thankyou James 4:14

    After reading this or hearing this; if you know that you are ready to surrender your whole heart and life to receive Jesus as Lord by Faith, and make your election sure(2Peter1:10) right now pray to receive Jesus now and He will come into you and you will be Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God….with All your Heart, All your Soul, All your spirit, All your mind, With All your Commitment Cry-out to God, and Surrender All your Trust and Life to Jesus, and simply by Faith with your whole heart pray;

    Father God in Heaven,


    I cry out to You…Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that You give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I’ve come to realize and know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, suffered my shame and punishment for my sins in my place and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who cries-out to You and calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender all my heart, all my mind, all my ways, and all my will to You.  I come to You as a mess, a huge dinner in need of You to Save me.  I repent of all my idolatries(polytheisms, worshipping others and, or worse-worshipping myself), addictions, adulteries, murders, thefts, and lies, etc., yes all my sins I repent of them and give to You all of me…trash and all.      Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins Father God by Your Grace.   And come Jesus by Your Holy Spirit and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign in me on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take complete total control of my life,… I surrender all I am to You.    I devote myself to You in a daily relationship with You to no longer live in sin, but walk out my life with You by Your Power in me to overcome sin every second of every minute of everyday in Prayer to you, letting Your Word–The Holy Bible guide me everyday, and join with and meet with continually a Holy Spirit filled fellowship of believers that I may Know You More.  Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit through and by faith in Jesus as Lord.   Today,  I Surrender All I am to You and Believe You, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born–Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but am now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    All this I pray to You Father God In The Name of Your Son, my Savior Lord Jesus the Christ of God. Amen.

    This prayer is only this long to instill into you the actual cost God wants from us that we must pay to receive Jesus, God’s free gift of Salvation—He wants our total surrender to Him–that’s our cost..

     *And as you begin your walk–your walk of Faith, as You fallow Jesus;–pray to Him–at the start of your every-day and may you put into place these essentials fallowing next that are part of God’s design for us to grow in Him and Him in us.;

    *Begin your prayer not as the heathen, or ignorant of heart do that say, “Be with me as I go forth on my way today….”, but instead pray, “Lord Jesus take me Lord where You are going today, and make me a part of Your Day today….”. *Give God Praise and Glory for Saving your soul and testify to others immediately of the wondrous new life He has just given you.  And daily worship Him with all your heart.

    *Begin a devoted prayer life to Jesus,…get on your knees and pray through-out the day —really pray.   Daily give him all Worship, and Praise, and Glory that He so richly deserves, then practice surrendering all your cares to Him and Trust Him with all your anxieties, your hurts, your pains, your angers, your fears, and trust him with your problems…no-longer give them to people; give them to God.

    *And immediately, take time to find a Bible Preaching and Bible Believing Holy Spirit filled church to attend and Fellowship at where you can listen to God speak to you through the Word preached….this is part of Keeping the Sabbath Holy, a day for you to rest in the Lord, and Worship God on His Level for now on and not on your level anymore.  If you are not working a job that the charity to care for the life of others depends on you on Saturday, or Sunday, and they will not respect your desire to worship, then give your notice and leave peaceably, and trust God to provide employment where you can Worship Him  on His Holy day for us.

    *And daily ask God to speak to you through His Holy Word the Bible on your own at home, at work, in the car, at school.   If you are a new Born-Again-of the Holy Spirit child of God, I recommend starting in the Book of John in the New Testament of the Bible and pay careful attention to His Words written in red….That’s Jesus speaking straight to you.   And by all means, take courage in the Lord from His Word, and pray for courage—Jesus will richly bless you when He convicts you to humbly, yet lovingly stand for His Holiness, even when no-one else will.  Do it in Love, do it by Faith, and according to His Word, but by all means do it, but do it prayerfully.  

    *Crucify the old sinful desires and don’t entertain yourself with things that pollute your spirit like for example; worldly web-sites, magazines, news-papers, or T.V.&Radio shows and music etc. that are provocative, impure, and profane.   Because from this point on we, as Christians, “Do”, the Ten Commandments.   Not by our power, but by His Power.   By the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of us….that is if we, and when we, and as always we should…. and we should and must to Will; Obey Him and do His Will and obey His Commands.  For they are life to those that do them.  Yes, and make yourself willing to respond to the Grace God gave you everyday in being obedient in beginning your personal worship through Tithing.  This is part of God’s Way of Him helping us not to not let riches no matter how little or how much be our trust.  And expand your faith even more, eventually, to give offerings-knowing that your eternal reward is from God and He’ll multiply those blessing back to you.

    **Thirst for the deeper things of God and ask to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and also thirst to operate in all the Spiritual Gifts of God, then you’ll find there are some Gifts that God explicitly wants to flow through you in His Love, by His Love, to give His Love to others.

    ***Learn of Him and Know Him, Begin to Have a Personal Relationship with Him and just talk with Him, stop and Listen to Him in your spirit, and hear Him speak to you as He will gently lead you, read His Word and He’ll speak to you even more…His burden is light and his yoke is easy.   Don’t be surprised if He speaks to you such huge amounts of his Love written in just a few words of you reading as you connect with Him in the Holy Spirit.   His Word the Bible Is the only Living Word on earth, and it’s not that we just read it; it is supposed to read us—as we allow Him to.


    And if you ever feel that you are far from God or He’s far from you, just stop and pray immediately and search your heart and see if there’s anything unclean there, and repent of it immediately, and pray for forgiveness of sins, ask Jesus to wash you again with his blood, and if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit inside you ask Him to come-into your heart and soul again and revive you….and most especially…don’t get up off your knees till you know, and feel He is inside you and has forgiven, refilled, and refreshed you.    It can be just a simpler prayer than the one you prayed above(remembering always that God just wants us to connect with him in all sincerity of heart every minute of the day);

    Father God,

    Lord Jesus,

    Please forgive me of that thought, or deed, and all evil, …I repent of it, and wash me clean of those sins, and all my sins, Wash me with Your Blood Jesus, and come in and make me new Holy Spirit again.

    In Jesus   Your Holy Name I pray.  Amen.


    In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you’ve been prayed for….

    Dear God our High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    Lord Jesus, ….my prayer is that every person(put your name here) who reads this testimony, or hears it will take their refuge in You Jesus by taking a moment after receiving this testimony; mix it with Faith; and really ask You Lord Christ Jesus to be their Lord, their God, by inviting You into their heart to be their Savior.    Through You O’ Lord Jesus, my God, I commit this all for Your Glory to them that read or hear this my testimony, that they may believe on You for themselves—to know You, and have a personal relationship with You, as I bind off of every reader, and every hearer all un-belief, and loose into them Faith in You Lord Jesus, that they may come to You to believe on You to know You the One Holy, Omnipotent, Omnipresent,  Omniscient, Awesome God You Are Jesus….  That after reading or listening to this, my testimony, they may be ready, and willing to Surrender their lives to You Jesus that they may know You Father God by inviting, or maybe as in some cases—re-inviting  You Jesus–to really rule and really reign on the throne of their hearts , and begin a deep and real and right relationship with You too.  

    And all this I pray to You God our Gracious High and Holy Heavenly Father,

    In the Name of Your Son Jesus

    I pray.  Amen

    You know, some-one prayed for me to come and receive Jesus as Lord,…yes, and maybe many that I’ll never know or see till I get to Heaven’s Side of this world.   Just know that you are loved, and you are and will be in my prayers too.   In Love by Faith, and In Faith by Love–you are prayed for….

    Lovingly, Prayerfully, Sincerely;

    Mr.david james collins


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    Learn what this means;

    the Key of david     Rev. 3:7

    Luke 12:5″But I will show you whom you should fear: (caution yourself)-Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear him!

    2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a (not to be a confused with)-spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    Remember, God chose Job to be Tested with pain, losss, testings, provings, trials….so too us.
    (God has given Jesus all power; Jesus holds the keys to death and hades [Rev. 1:18]. But it is satan that slays, kills and destroys, and only if we fail Jesus in our obedience to Him(Jesus) does the power to cast into hell be abdicated and given to our adversary the devil(satan). Hence i give you the next portion of my testimony; the Test:

       Job 33:29-33 
      Proverbs 4:20-5:20 
           Matthew 10:28           
       Second Death Testimony 
    Matthew 4:1-11                                      
    Psalm 118:17

                                            JOHN 11:23-27     
     I Corinthians 10:1-14 esp.v.8,13
    II Peter 2:9

                                             Lost in sin and in sexual sin of masturbation, abetted occasionally by pornography, my soul was always in the mode of lust.   It would take my wife and I separating over her alcoholism, and her giving her life to Jesus and then witnessing to me that she “Got Saved”, that would bring me to confront that I was a mess, and if Jesus could Save her, then surely He could Save me from this life of sin, and more, from myself.   So in Late April, of 1997 on the last Sunday, Pastor Mike Lehman at that Florence Methodist Church, in Ky. , would give that altar call to receive Jesus as Lord.  I was the only one to respond.   I was a mess,  my wife was Saved and here I was a church go-er, but not Saved, and I was guilty of the pornography and masturbation just the night before, and I knew I was a sinner in need of a Savior, and that I couldn’t help or save myself.   If Jesus could Save my wife from all her sins, and addictions then Jesus could Save me too.   Even as a sinner, I understood this much; Addiction of any kind—is idolatry.   So, I Surrendered all of me to Jesus and Let Him come in to me to take control, and Be my Lord and Savior.   I become a new creation that day from the inside out by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God, and that I would serve Him, and no longer myself—Because of Jesus In me.

    Turning away from all sin, I began a real prayer life to God through Jesus, Went to Church with a Holy Hunger to know Jesus, Worship, and Love Jesus more, and with a thirst to Know His Word—unquenchable.    The marriage would be reconciled and restored.

    James 1:14-16 About four and half months after being Saved, I would start going back into the sin of masturbation… under the deranged thinking that as long as it was thoughts of my wife—that I was o.k.    I went back into this sin for about a week, till finally the guilt of hurting God’s heart, and Crucifying Jesus afresh started to bring me to my knees in prayer again.   In total Repentance, I would give my life back to Jesus and be Born-Again—Again.  Hebrews 12:1-3  

    After receiving God’s pardon, and the Free Gift of Salvation again,…almost two weeks later, I would die again.    Yes, seizures killed me again while laying there under the covers with just my underwear on the bed next to my wife;   The same scenario as what happened to me in the first death by seizures as what I suffered just five years prior—the heart stops, and the pain of my heart almost exploding, and my eyes roll-back and white-out.   But this time as I took my last breath, I took it as a Born Again Child of God, and the last thing that I would speak, as I couldn’t by mouth but I could only speak it in my thoughts as I gasped without any avail to receive air was, as I looked up to Heaven was, “JESUS, I trust YOU.”  Psalm 31 (audio version click here)

    The evening this death occurrence happened—my wife and I actually went to bed early exhausted from the arduous tasks piled on her at work; She was exhausted, and I did not have sleep for enough for the past three nights before because I struggled with sleep and seizures.   We went to bed while it was still light enough outside—maybe 9P.M.   Those seizures that killed me happened almost immediately after we laid our heads down.   Petite-mal seizures—rocked my world, but to my wife—she never knew I had them unless by how I woke up the next day—beat-up, slow, and disoriented, and confused, and slow of memory to recall anything. Isaiah 56 et al esp. v.1,2.(audio version click here)

    Psalm16:8-11, After the petite mal seizure killed me,  It was as if the center of my body had a zipper seam, and some-one just un-zipped my body, and my soul was catapulted upward free from all weight .  My body gave up my soul, and spirit.    Naked,  I traveled up-wards about two to three stories up, then all the sudden I was quickly directed as if being placed like a pawn in some-ones hand over a wall of a building and down into a room.  Standing there in the place I had been dropped in, I only looked around, and didn’t see anyone—I couldn’t find Jesus. Psalm 23:4    

    Psalm 18:1-6 Odd, I was existing without breathing.  The horrendous pains of the throws of death were gone now.   I couldn’t feel cold, or heat.   I looked around this room that I was drop-placed into and it looked almost like the room I had just died in, but it was empty—no furnishings at all—an empty room with carpet, and a window shining some light through it to my left.   I pondered if I should go look around to find some-one, but in my heart all I could think was that if it was Jesus Who I called for, then I wasn’t going to move my feet until I saw my Jesus.   I didn’t want to go wondering around in a place I didn’t know anything about—even if it looked like my own, and was a replica of my own bedroom—it wasn’t home.   It wasn’t my home I just came from, and for sure, I knew inside me that it wasn’t where I wanted to end up at. Psalm 16 et al esp. v. 8 note as well v.1,8-11(audio version click here)

    Psalm 62 (audio version click here) I reached behind me and there was the wall.  It was just a foot and a half behind me.   I put both hands behind me, and used my hands against the wall to just slide-down the wall to sit on the floor.   So, I put myself in a sit down position with my back against the wall, and my knees bent in front of me, and after settling I just put my arms around my knees and hugged my knees with my arms.   I just sat there for what felt like a half-hour, and from the time I sat waiting for Jesus, I just sat there in a straight forward posture without moving—all the while looking straight-forward in a lower-vector of sight.   I locked myself into this position choosing not to even move–not even my head to look around anymore, and just sat there choosing not to move at all.   I just sat there like a rock—choosing not to move till I saw my Jesus.    I pondered the path of my feet, and if I were to move—where was I going to go.    I knew I just died, and I knew that in Jesus, and in Jesus alone I put all my Trust, and this place—though it looked familiar to me in replication of where I came from—all I knew was that I wouldn’t be happy till I saw my Jesus.   So I sat.  And for a long time.  Little did I know what was coming next. Matthew 4:1-11

    Ephesians 2:2 IJohn 2:16 Out of my left eye peripheral vision I saw some-one approaching me.   A woman with very long light to dark brown hair that she would after she approached all the way to me—to dangle in my direct line of vision as if to entice me to break my attention and get me to move my eyes, and head toward her to acknowledge her.   But I would not as she would bend over into my sight to proposition me.   She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on either, and though I didn’t know her by name—she looked just like she would pass for what I used to think was the epitome of the most beautiful woman I could dream of.   As she knelt beside me looking into my face with her hand on my knee, she would ask ever so smoothly, “I’ve been waiting for you.  How about you and I make love right here, right now?   Just you and me—we’re alone, no-one will ever know.  So, common, just you and me.   You know I want you, and I know you want me.   Common—no –one will ever know…..”.     The whole time she was going through her monologue of seduction a hatred for her was building inside me, because I didn’t want to break the heart of God to give into and commit adultery—and though she looked a lot like my wife—she wasn’t my wife.     *But some-thing tipped me off that this was worse than just a proposition solely aimed at me to stray from purity, and indulge in a feast of pleasure—When she touched me on my knees I felt a sensation I had never known before.   As best as I can describe it—it felt like two balloons bumping against each other… two spheres clashing into one another bumping into each other.   There was no warmth.   There wasn’t any moisture of tender skin and flesh carousing against each other as you’d expect, but a weird bumping instead.   But as her proposition was becoming more seductive in description of what she was wanting us to do—being in total mind made up that I wasn’t going to flinch, let alone move until I saw my Jesus….I commanded to her, “No”.   And at my refusal of her…she finally stood up, turned around and quickly left the room from the same hallow lighting in the room(where, in the bedroom I died in—a window was supposed to be)that she came from. Psalm 55:22

    Jesus teaches us in Matthew chapter 5, verse37 “Let your “Yes” be “Yes, and your “No” be “No”, for whatever is more than this is from the evil one.”.    The place I was just tested in was just above the room I died in—it was the 2nd heaven.   Being a new-born Christian at the time of this second death—I didn’t know it was satan’s domain. Ephesians 2:2

    The Bible tells us that, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”.    This is true even in this testimony—Jesus never left me, His Holy Spirit still lived in me, He never forsook me, but also He stood by me without me even knowing His presence externally—as if I were being proven in the fires of not affliction, but fires of testing  James 1;2-4—to prove me as silver in the refiners fire to remove the dross and or find out it’s purity.   But this that I told you about was just the first of testings(1)) if to deny the Holy Spirit to feed the lust of the eyes, but below next came testing  (2) if to deny Jesus to succumb to the lust of the flesh;

    Psalm 46, Psalm 46 et al esp. v. 10  God being my Refuge…So, I sat for another long time, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight-together, and eyes fixed straight ahead.   And what do you know,….here she comes again.    This time she had more of a straight forward approach as if the first one wasn’t straight forward enough.   She used every move she could think of to allure me to look at her.   Getting in my sight wasn’t enough; this time she wanted me to see her, see her naked as she was, curves and bends and all by moving into my direct line of sight while resting her thigh against my leg while she crunched down into my line of sight to proposition me, and this time with cuss words every so often.    She was beautiful, her skin color was a perfect tan, her eyes were a hazel-green—she was a knock-out, but as she propositioned me I never moved my body or even my head, or my eyes to get a look at her.   All that I’m describing to you is what I could see by her crunching her body down so as to get her face in front of mine for her to make her seduction appeal to me.   This was one odd thing as well…, just as it was totally foreign to me of the bumping sensation that I felt as she touched me without my approval, was this; that when she did kneel in-front of me—it was as if I could look straight through her.   She was there, but it was if she didn’t have any substance as if her whole person and body was just a hologram.   **When I was in the middle of her seductive attack on my morals, and my now my mind, it didn’t even occur to me that she was a demon spirit or even satan transfigured.   I was so focused on wanting to see my Jesus that, at the hearing of her cussing, and feeling her bumping-rubbing her arms and thigh on me that in my disgust of her adulterous seductions of not wanting to deny Jesus in me; I commanded another straight from the gut, ”No”, to her.    And with that another rejection, she got up again, and left to the same hallow lighting place she came from.James 4:4-10 esp. v. 7&10

    Note; Every-day that a person lives on earth without Jesus is another day that the devil has to keep you from being intimately closer in relationship with Jesus, intimately more like Jesus, intimately more the child of God that God has been desiring you to be—to be an over-comer over satan, sin, and death.   After recieving Christ as Lord; Neglect your chance to not just Know and Have a Relationship with Jesus, and grow in Jesus here on earth, and you may very well fail when it comes your time to be tested at the points of your weaknesses(whatever they may be).

    …And lastly (3) if to sell out and deny God—the pride of life.  See I John 2:16  

    Psalm 40:1-4 So with Jesus being my only Hope and Trust, I sat waiting for Jesus for a long time again, and still I never moved from that sit-down position with my back against the wall, and my legs bent up, and my arms hugging around my knees, with hand in a clasp hold tight- together.   And uh oh,….here she comes again, but this time in a fiery fury.    Determined that she was going to crack me, and have me for herself, and not be denied at all…this demon-seductress woman vaunted herself on me with every-thing she had.   “You are mine.   You will have sex with me whether you want to or not.  You know I want you, and I get what I want—you have to….you have no power to deny me.    And the cussing was more worse, as much as the depiction of sexual sin that she was describing that I was going to have to submit to…a depiction that I don’t have words enough to describe, and for your purity sake don’t even want to indulge further into.Psalm 37:5-8 

    ***In the second heaven; Demons are allowed and able to man-handle you.  Psalm 35:9,10 And yes, in my face nose to nose, while pushing, and pulling on me, and pressing me to break my posture—but still I looked right straight through her, but her attack was so demeaning to me, thwarting and demanding that I almost felt as if I had to submit to her gross sexual harassment, and at that point, with all my faith in God and Trusting in His Love for me to rescue me to be greater than this attack…in almost exhausted desperation—I gumption myself to command one last command, “NO”. Psalm34:6-18  Especially James 1:12,13

    Psalm 33:18-22 Immediately, I was plucked up and taken up out of that room and  second heaven scenario into what would be what Paul in the book of 2 Corinthians 12:1,2 calls the 3rd Heaven where God, and Jesus Live and Are at.  This was a Blast of Pure Light, and Pure White atmosphere.  Un-approachable light(in the flesh).   So bright that the natural eyes that we are born with can’t survive in it, but in the soul of our spirit we can in vibe and take it in and see it and experience the Light of God’s Countenance in our very souls.

    God is Love.   And as I ascended up into the Third Heaven I was Saturated with the Fullness of His Awesome, Ever Deepening, Ever Pure Love.   The Higher I went the more fantastic and infilling and beautiful His Love.   As the old hymnal song sings out, “Love Lifted me, Love Lifted me, when no other thing could help, Love Lifted me”.   Jesus’ Holy Spirit, His Love really did lift me up.   It was as if my very skin cells, and blood, veins, and muscles, and bones—cell by cell, particle by particle of my soul and inner most being was being translated into being Love Receptors, and Love Givers through and through deeper and deeper the higher, and explode-ingly grew within me ever more intense the higher I went.     And as I ascended up not only was I filled with the deepening love of God, but I kept travelling faster, and faster as I rose up away from the gravity of the sin cursed world below.

    Like the Space-Shuttle takes off—so too is our ascension into the 3rd Heaven; slow to start with, but steadily building speed as the pull of gravity falls away and no longer has a grip on us.   I ascended as if in the Palm of God’s Hand safe and secure and cradled as if at a 23degree angle in the Palm of His deepening loving Care and embrace.   Saturated in His Love, Embraced by His Spirit; Saturated in His Spirit, Embraced in His Love.

    After about 15minutes of this glorious ascension, then all the sudden God did something;  He slowed me down to a complete stop.   For a moment I was just suspended like that, then God rolled me over to be at the converse angle that I ascended in to now looking down at that same angle as if like a puppy nabbed by the neck in the comps of pawpaw dog.   It was at this stance that God would show me His Revelation, and as soon as the Revelation was over…he took me up out of that vision and put my spirit and soul back into my body, and got my heart back to pumping again.   And the huge difference between when I came out of this death experience compared to the first one was that this time I was not in fear and torments, no, this time I lay in bed at the crack of dawn looking over at my wife with a joy in my heart that just wanted to scream “Pinch me!, Jesus is Alive, Jesus Is Lord,  Jesus Is My Lord, and I’m Alive, and God Really Does Have so much more than we’ll ever be able to comprehend waiting for us in Heaven.”  You know it took my wife over three months of hearing my testimony before my wife woke up to the fact and responded, “…you really did die and come back to life didn’t you?”.

    Revelation 3:21,22 I speak to you as an over-comer, that you may know that Greater is Jesus in you, than satan who is in the world, and that we must never deny Jesus or He will deny us.   But you too must go through the second heaven to get to God’s Heaven….will you overcome?    Remember, satan has been taking notes on you as to what your weaknesses are. I John 2:16   Have you learned that in all your strengths, and especially your weaknesses to let Jesus Be Strong in you by surrendering your will and crucifying your desires trading them to do His Will, and all He desires?   You can’t unless you are first Admit that you are a sinner, yes, that you too have broken all ten of God’s Ten Commandments, Repent of Sins, Be Washed in Jesus’ Blood to remove all your sins, and Invite Jesus into you to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit of God by Surrendering your life first to Jesus to be The Lord of you, to reign in you, so you can do the 10 Commandments by His Power, and not your power anymore, and be used of Him to bring His Love to others—His Kingdom in Heaven to earth. I Corinthian 13 et al(audio version click here), I John et al, Galatians 5:13,14By the way; you wonder where the First Heaven is at,…well look at Genesis 1:8, it was really Heaven on Earth before the fall of man.   But remember God always has a plan of redemption. Revelation 21:1-4   You now know the Glory of His story:  Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth…no man comes to the Father God in Heaven but by Jesus. John 11:25,26 John 14:6No matter how mature we may grow to be in the Lord, or even how close in relationship to Him we may be as well—Job teaches us a basic fundamental truth; That we all must confront any and all pride from within.   It was this that God was trying to confront in Job, and at last humbleness, and humility would be found. Job 40:1-5, Job 42:1-6

    I Peter 5:5-10 These things God will not despise; A Broken spirit and a Broken and Contrite heart.

    See and ReadPsalm 51 et al esp. v.16,17(audio version click here), Isaiah 66:1,2, James 4:8-12.  
    May you secure your heart’s devotion for as a warning I give you;
    Proverbs 11:3-6-9

    What is it that would lead us astray?  It doesn’t have to be only a sexual desire or enticement(the indulgence of lust) that we might have pondered repeatedly.  Note, it could be the pride of power, or the pride of riches that satan could tempt us with.   Remember; satan has been taking notes on our every step—he’s looking for anything that we struggle with or used to be a prominent sin in our past.  I love my catholic brothers and sisters, indeed they are beautiful people. Half of the five thousand member church i went to when i lived in Ohio used to be catholic.  The majority of those that are deceived by satan in the second heaven are indeed catholics because they’ve been taught to call on Mary, dead saints, and even angels as well as to Jesus.  In your personal relationship with Jesus …Be vigilant to not give place to the enemy.   Be even more devoted to growing in a pure, surrendered life unto the Lord Jesus and Him alone.   Jesus is the Captain of our Salvation, and He alone should be the Captain of our souls.  Fact: The more of Jesus in You, and the more you have a deep relationship with Jesus, the less you’ll be tempted to fall victim to satans detours.II Peter 1:1-11  Of this one thing I cling to with all my heart; II Peter 2:9, II Peter 3:9,14

    Joel 2:28-32

    I John 2:15-17 esp. v. 16  The question of “Dreams, and Visions”.

    The cravings of sinful man                it’s all about me;           The Pride of Power,        Wants-“I deserve this” 

    The lust of the eyes   what can I get for myself;     The Pride of Knowledge, Cravings-“It’s my way or else”

    The boasting of what he has or does.     I’m good—don’t tell me I’m bad; and The Pride of Virtue. Addictions-                                                                                                                                    “I’ve gotta right to do this”

    Micah 7:18-20 esp. v. 19.

    There is no fear in love, but love casts out fear.  As long as there is real reverential relationship in surrendered obedience to God in living and giving the Grace He gives us to others that bond of love is not jeopardized.   What fallows is what happens when we replace our trust in Jesus(God’s Grace) to Have First Place in our lives,… with a trust of our self and how we think it should be as if we could ever be the solution–(not). 

    I John 4:1-6

    The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?   The Question; “Is there such a place as “the sea of forgetfulness”?  

    Let me come to dreams, and visions; 

    Joel 2:28-32 esp. v. 28.   There have been accounts of life after death by many who call upon Jesus as Lord, but to move out of your position in waiting for the Lord, and take things into your own hands; this is rebellion, demonic, and it is witch-craft, it is the deepest sin you could ever do—it is Pride…Pride in thinking that you can handle things—“o.k. God,–you got me this far—I’ll take over from here thankyou.”   Because of the false worship of calling out to and praying to Mary, and dead saints, many catholics are stuck in the second heaven today, and because they are—they are stuck in a hell of their own making and will be judged(in a stricter judgment as the angel(s) of God that rebelled in satan’s orginal rebellion) to be judged by God at the Great White Throne Judgement only right before satan himself.   I refer to a catholic woman who resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, (in her death testimony)that died about 15 years ago, and in her testimony- went immediately floating around going where-ever she wanted as soon as she got into the second heaven.  She neither waited on Jesus, nor was concerned about Living with Him.   Once she got into the second heaven—she forgot Jesus, and just floated around free as an angel in the second heaven.  Then she came back to life—her soul and spirit were put back into her body.   I tell you—I fear for someone like that, and pray for them that they turn away from their catholic idolatry, and surrender all to Jesus.  Over half of the church I attend—used to be catholics, and in their desire to know God and His Son Jesus completely and deeply more intimate than they ever did before—they turned from the catholic faith, and now know—really know Jesus as Lord, and pray to God our Father through Him Alone.

    What I’m going to share with you now is not another death testimony, for indeed I’ve shared already my two death testimonies: How the first time I died, thinking I was a Christian just by mere believism—I went straight down into hell, and that’s the only reason I’m alive here today is because i Cried out to Jesus on Jesus’ Name alone before that horrible pit closed-up it’s hole I fell through, and Jesus had mercy upon me and rescued me despite myself, selfishness, waywardness and stupidity, and plucked my soul and spirit out of hell, and put me back into my body to live again.   The Second Death testimony was of after I became a Born-Again-Child of God, and how Jesus would allow me to be tested in the second heaven—satan’s domain, pass the test, and go on up into God’s Heaven–The Third Heaven, and thus God gave me a revelation of how I was/am supposed to die, and then brought me back to life again.

    The Lord has allowed me to know of two other gentlemen that have gone through what I’ve gone through—two death experiences—1st time down, 2nd time up, and their testimonies are even more spectacular than mine.   One was Saved in the same church I was but before I was, and the other I met on a missions trip to West Virginia.

    What I’m going to share with you next is not a life after death experience for though my heart in this would palpitate to lose a lot of beats—it didn’t quit.  This would be a dream to jolt loose my soul and spirit(while allowing my heart and body to resume life)so that the Lord would allow me to go through to show me the most ultimate stupidity that I had in having and abusing this knowledge of life after death of Jesus the Only Way to God—God would show me my own personal pride of thinking I was good-enough to take things into my own hands under the guise of, ”I’ve been here before—l know what to do—I got this—Jesus is with me on this…”.   What I’m going to share with you next is a literal dream where I pushed my mind to dream, and I pride-fully pushed to the edge thinking I had “the right stuff” to handle and overcome satan in satan’s domain.

    (August 2003)Just laid down to goto sleep, I had one of those nights where I was dreaming energized.  One of the tools that I would use to help me stay pure from adulterous thoughts in idle times, or while laying in bed would be to dream of flying..  thoughts of ascending up into the wild blue yonder, and leveling out and coasting on a wave of the wind, but in this; it carried over into a real dream. 

    The depiction I paint for you next would happen about 5years after being Born-Again, and walking in deepest more deep Relationship and Purity with Jesus.

    It was asked of me a long time ago; “Have you ever noticed in your dreams that if you are ever falling, that you always wake up just right before you hit the ground?”   This is true.  The real deal with that is a basic one; you can stop your own heart if ever you would commit to stay in that fall long enough to actually hit the ground(in your dreams).   This night, I pushed those parameters to the edge.

    The Pride of Power; In this dream I chose to move from flying to going into a straight plummet free-fall down, but instead of having my back to the ground and willy-ing my arms around in un-control, in my pride, I turned over and dove face down… I was determined to hit the ground face first.  As I slipped through the different atmospheres, and saw that green grassy ground rushing toward me, I braced myself in a fetal position at the last second while keeping my eye on the ground rushing up to meet me.   And at the moment I hit, I would actually feel the impact so hurtful, and abrupt that I could feel my heart be arrested upon impact.   The odd thing would be that I would penetrate that ground about 4feet deep, till the ground soaked up enough of my momentum energy that it literally bounced me back up 2feet above the surface and land a bounce crash on my face with the front of my torso laying against the ground.    At the moment of impact my soul and spirit were shook and vomited out of my body.

    The pride of knowledge; In this dream, I didn’t cry out for Jesus to Save me with a genuine heart before making impact.  What I did was call out, “ Jesus with You I know I’ll be o.k.”, not unto as Him as Lord, but more like calling on Him more like a good-luck trinket.   So, as soon as my spirit, and soul was vaunted out of my body—I went up into the second heaven, just as I had expected.   Immediately, I was put into a white cinder-block round structure silo. (Odd, this time I actually had clothing on.)  Inside this white 39foot in diameter cinder-block silo was a black wrought-iron spiral stair-case, and I was placed into this silo on a mezzanine level plat that was an in-between-spot for going further down or going further up.   The hallow light inside came from a source stain glass window panes that were located every 39feet or so with no way to open them.   I stood there for a while looking all around trying to assess the situation with a determination that I could handle whatever was thrown at me, because in my pride I was thinking, ”After all, I’ve got Jesus with me.”  Not only was I looking around, but eventually I started to ascend upward climbing the circular up-ward-winding black wrought-iron steps.   In my mind I was thinking I could handle this. The pride of virtue;  After treading upwards on that spiral staircase for a couple of stories—I ran into this guy that was hurrying on his way down as fast as he could in a dreadful torment panic—telling me that satan was close behind him, and how he needed help to get out of there.   I calmed him down and told him to stick with me that he’ll be o.k.—just  fallow close behind(that our goal was not to go down but only up).   After all—the Third Heaven is further up—we’ll get there.    We climb another couple of stories high in the silo, and as I look up I can’t find any more rest areas like the mezzanine level I started from.   At this point, I was going to be this fella’s savior.   I didn’t even know his name, and I didn’t tell him mine.

    After we ascend so high up in this silo, we’re startled –there’s satan robed in an entire black attire just standing there.  Invoking the Name of Jesus, I command satan, “In the Name of Jesus, Get out of our way satan.”, as I grab this fellow’s hand that’s behind me, and just bulldoze and squeeze my way past satan, pulling this other fellow in tow.   Past satan now, we just keep ascending up the spiral staircase that seems to have no end.   A couple more stories up higher we go, and boom, who do we run into again; satan.   This time satan doesn’t just stand there, but starts to descend down those steps toward us.

    Thinking in my mind that pushing our way past him didn’t avail anything, so I told the fellow behind me, “Go, lets go down the steps.”, and after we got down to the level of the mezzanine plat we lost satan for the moment so we made a pact to separate, because the stair-case that spiraled down no longer was one but two stair-cases below the mezzanine level going down with a door at the end of each about another story below.   “Quick, you take one and I’ll take the other, and at least one of us will be able to ascend up straight away after he’s past this point.”,…at that we agreed and separated company.    I took the right staircase and door, he took the left. (for all I know, this other fellow could’ve been a demon meant to be a decoy)  

    I opened the door, and in my momentum coming down those steps—lunged through the door, but guess what there wasn’t any flooring for me to land on or stand on—in a quick fall straight down my hand left the door knob, it was as if I fell down through a black tunnel shoot plummeting another 6 – 12feet down into this huge blast of white, as I could hear and feel my feet landing in a pool of water about knee deep.   This was not a white like the Third Heaven, this was a white like a milky cataract over the pupil of your eye.  We know what it’s like to be in darkness so dark that you could put your hand in front of your face and not see it—imagine a blast of white so thick like a cloud that you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.   I was now lost in this blast of white without any clothing that I could feel—like my identity was lost and stripped away of me ever being, as if I was totally forgot about by God is this blast of white in this sea of forgetfulness.   Because I chose to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm as the old saying goes, “I got Jesus in my back pocket—me and Jesus are doin o.k.”—so in response Jesus said-“I’m going to treat you as if you never existed.”.    In that blast of white-out-nothingness, knowing I could be lost for all eternity;…I came to my senses, and cried out with my whole heart unto Jesus As Lord as He really Is and will always Be, and at the mention of His Name, he pulled me out of that dream and restored me in spirit and soul intact into my body that was not dead this time.

    Immediately I awoke, and after coming to,…I rocketed my body out of bed, and got on my knees and fell on my face in prayer of Repentance before the Lord for at least an hour, and then to a prayer of Thanks-Giving to Jesus for having mercy upon a wretch like me to forgive me of such stupid, stupid, stupid pride for another three hours or so.

    By the way, you don’t want to know what was in the water I was standing in.

    A long time ago one man asked for prayer, even said the sinners prayer before going into surgery to remove blood clots from his chest.  After the Lord Jesus brought him through it; he went back to all his evil ways—gambling, drinking, smoking, cussing, etc.  I asked him, “Why did he treat Jesus like that?”  He responded, “It’s like a coin that a fellow minor gave me on his way out of a collapsed mine that I was going into to repair—he said, “here, you’ll need this if you’re going in there”.”  “You see son, everybody just needs something to cling to—to get them through.”  –You know, if that man had died in that operation—he’d of gone to hell.  

    You want to treat Jesus as a good-luck charm,…something just to have faith in to get you through; That will no more get you to heaven than putting a man on the moon.   You must be Totally Surrendered to Jesus’s Lordship, and Born Again, and of a Humble and contrite spirit to enter heaven.

    Still, another man, we’ll call him Adam.  He had the same experience; of brain operations, seizures, and two deaths from seizures; 1st time down, and 2nd time up, but when I met him—he was in a conference room for training as I was and was cussing up a storm, but was leading people to talk and think about, “was there life after death…”

    Being disgusted at this fellows putrid foul mouth, and preposterous sharing of a vulgar faith in God; I confronted him in the room with all these people and being prompted by the Holy Spirit I pointed at him with my finger and said these simple words, “You died before didn’t you?”   At that that he shut up, and in shock, nodded his head “yes”.   Going further I said, “You not only died before, but you’ve died twice haven’t you?”   At that the whole room shut up.  And he nodded slowly again, “yes”.   And lastly from there I didn’t even say another word, but just gestured with my hand simply—first time down, second time up, and in total shock really shook his head, “yyyes”.    Immediately, the instructor moved us on; we, the class, saw a tarmac safety film, took a test, and left.  Me in all my carefulness-slowness, was the last to finish the test and leave.

    I was almost ready to unlock my car door when in a urgent pace Adam ran me down in the parking lot.  I met him half-way.  “Hey, you were being really real back there weren’t you?    I said, “Yes, my name is David”, and he introduced himself to me too.   I said to Adam; “You’ve got an up-side down horse-shoe scar on the back of your head just like I do from past brain operations, and seizures killed you too.   Twice in fact,…first time you died you thought you knew Jesus but you really didn’t and you went down, but you called on Him and He Rescued you.   The Second time you died as a Saved-Born Again Child of God, and when you died you called on Jesus Whom you had Believed, had a relationship with and trusted, and you went up, but Jesus sent you back because He wasn’t through with you Right?”   “Right.”, he said.    “I heard you cussing back there Adam.  Why have you fallen?”  At that second he hung his head immediately, because he knew I knew he had fallen.  Then I said to him, “Adam, The Way you know and the Truth you know.  Take time to get right with the Lord all over again, and get Saved again.  But do it on your own time.  I would lead you through the sinner’s prayer right here if I didn’t think that it would be a front and a sham.   You take the time to humble yourself before God and repent on your own time, lest I lead you in the sinner’s prayer and you make a mockery of my faith as well.”

    What makes us think that we are anything at all apart from being Born-Again of the Holy Spirit of God and in a true humble deep relationship with Jesus As Lord?

    One day, just inside the doorway I was scolded vehemently by my own parents in their home, “David don’t tell me that you’re a Christian.   I’ll bet you don’t even know who you are.   Who are you David, I bet you don’t even know?”  Well, no-one’s ever asked me that before..”, I responded.   “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming into this house telling us about Jesus, and you don’t even know who you are.   Just who is David?”   “Well, I guess, I’m your son, a loving, nice guy…”, I would reply.   My step-dad would go on, “Take away me and your mom, and all your families, and friends, take away, loving, take away, nice, take away the trees, take away the sky, take away this earth…who are you,  Just who are you.  And be careful how you answer, because more brilliant men than you have pondered this question and have gone mad insane to find an answer to this question because no-one’s ever answered that question.”    And with his finger an inch away from my face in this heated blast of evil, standing there just inside their front door, I just looked up to God, and prayed from within me with all my heart, “Jesus Help”.

    And immediately, The Holy Spirit Bubbled up from within me, and like bubbles rolling off my tongue came words that weren’t even mine, but God’s ; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”

    “You better be careful to think that you can just answer that question so quickly, because brighter minds than yours have pondered this, and like I said, have gone insane trying to answer it.”   And I replied simply, “I prayed, just now, and the Holy Spirit gave you that answer,—those weren’t even my words—they were His.”   “Well, you better spend the next month finding out if that’s the truth, because I don’t think the answer is as simple as you just said—David, there’s a lot more out there than just Jesus.”.    “O.K.”, I replied, “I’ll pray and fast over this and get back with you about this as to whether or not that was the real answer, but that was Jesus through me that answered you.”.

    I prayed and fasted, and within a month or so Jesus confirmed, Once through a Sermon on Radio by Chuck Swindal, another through just me reading Gods Word the Bible one day, and yet another by the preaching of my own Pastor at the church I attend one Sunday morning—that yes—that is the answer.; “I’m nobody without Jesus.”.  And He is my Lord, who I serve, and have the privilege to have a personal relationship with, and so can you!

    All He asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.

    The way of China’s three self church is a cult in denying the full gospel truth of The Bible and the Bible alone of Jesus Christ as Lord, just as the jehovahs witness, and the mormans are a cult—just as the hindu, budist, and muslim false faiths are cults too.   Judaism without Jesus Christ as Lord of all is a cult.  All other false faiths–Anything That Is Not Jesus as Savior and Lord and Him alone to pray to and pray through as God is a cult/idol worship. John 8:12, John 14:6

    There are many religions, but there’s only ONE SAVIOR.  All Jesus asks is a total surrender to Him.   This is not blind faith.  This is Admitting you are a Sinner in need of a Savior, you have to Repent of all sins, not just some, and lastly, and most importantly; Surrender your entire will and your whole life to let Jesus take total control of your life and be your Lord and Savior.  

    Psalm 27

    Psalm 24:3-6

    Family Salvations that I know of to date;

    Luke 16:19-31    

      My Step-grand-parents on my first step-mother’s side of my family Grandpa and Grandma Dennis would die before I got Saved.    The greatest confirmation that I’ll see them in Heaven is that months before they both passed that an evangelist visited them at their home in Edenton, N.C., and lead them to Jesus.   I remember how furious my step-mom was when she learned that they willingly sewed into his ministry.


    My Mom’s Mom, my Grandma Reese I can only hope gave her life completely to Jesus before she passed away.    I think she passed right at or a little before or after I got Saved, so I didn’t get to lead her to receive Christ as Lord through the sinner’s prayer.     But Grandpa Reese, I would be able to build a relationship with even deeper still after Grandma Reese’s passing.    It was the oddest thing; from the process of God Saving my wife, and me and restoring our marriage–my first wife was offered a job in the same town Grandpa Reese lived in.    We were able to grow in a great relationship together during his last months on earth.     Just two days before he died, we had our last talk together that he too needed to Surrender all to Jesus and be Saved, but to my disappointment all he could do was tell me how he’ll never forgive the catholic church for ex-communicating him for divorcing his first wife, and marrying my grandma.    I taught him how to pray the sinner’s prayer, and told him he could do it with just him and Jesus alone if he didn’t feel comfortable with praying with me.    All I could do was put him in God’s hands.

    When he passed, I felt such remorse thinking that I wasn’t able to lead him through the sinner’s prayer to truly surrender all to Jesus.    At the funeral, I got a chance to talk with my aunt Stacy, and she told me how Grandpa acted really strange just the day before he passed.    Grandpa told her, “Stacy, I finally got things right with God today.   You know, He wants us all to”.     She didn’t have a clue what Grandpa was talking about, and jut responded nicely, “Well Dad that’s cool.   I’m glad to hear that.   Yeah, we all need to huh?”.   

    Soon there-after, my first wife and I would move back to Cincinnati, Ohio.


    Beyond.   Many in all my families believed, but to find a Saved Born-Again Truly, Totally Saved Child of God Christian in any of my living parents, and grand-parents, or siblings was all but vapor and grasping for the wind.   It was amazing… the day I was able to meet my step grandma Florence Sturgil for the first time at her abode in a retirement high-rise in Covington, Kentucky, with my step-dad, and mom.   It was a miracle in the process.   She was divorced from Grandpa Paul Sturgil, and had shut off all communications with my step-dad(her son)the day that he got a divorce from his first wife.   Grandma would not allow communication with her son for two decades.   Finally, she would let him back into her life.

    Only after a lot of talks was Dad finally able to introduce Mom to Grandma.    And after much more talks, I was finally able to meet Grandma.   It was a great blessing to meet her.    As God would have it, over the next two years Grandma, and I would develop a great relationship.   She called me her “Davey”.

    Florence Baptist Church is where Grandma went to church for years, but knowing she had murdered her own son out of her heart for decades let me know that she was just a church goer, not a Saved Born-Again Christian.    She had faith in Christ, just not Christ in her.    For the whole time that I knew her, I would ask God to open up the time not just to bring her to the Cross of Calvary, but through the Cross.

    In hospice care at a nursing home off Boudenau Ave., in Cincinnati, Ohio would be my last chance to be with her.    I would explain what it meant to be Born Again, and moved to ask her to pray in faith the sinner’s prayer.    As she lay there in her hospital bed(gurney), I reached for her hand, and she shook her head, “no”, but I began to pray out loud the sinner’s prayer in fear for if I didn’t lead her that she would be in hell in just a matter of days.     The most marvelous thing happened; she prayed right with me.    And with each line of prayer she shook, demons twisted, and contorted her whole body, but at the end of that prayer for her to Surrender her All to Receive Jesus As her Lord….a Huge Peace enveloped her soul as the Holy Spirit came into her.    With a sweet gentle sigh, and a heartfelt thank you, she would turn to me with tearful eyes of joy toward me and just say, “Thank you Davey”.    

    From the day that Grandma and I met; we had soul-tie of a special bond of kindred love.

    Three days later Grandma would die.    My step-dad Steve would give me a call, “Dave, it’s looking like your grandmother won’t make it through the night…. you need to come down here.”    What would happen next would be one of the strangest super-natural experiences I’ve had.    I couldn’t leave my apartment.    Every-time my wife and I approached the door to leave a strange tingling sensation would overcome me from head to toe that would be so intense that I would have to go lay down and rest for a while.   It was like your foot fell asleep, but my whole body, and without the pain.    Three times I tried to leave, and three times as soon as my hand touched the door knob to leave—that tingling sensation would be at it’s most intense, and wearied me.    I finally called my dad and explained the situation, and told him that I just couldn’t be there with them.    I would for the next hours through the course of the night be praying and then sleeping, praying and then sleeping, praying that God would walk Grandma through what-ever she would be facing through the torrents of death.   Intercessory prayer was all I could do, and the worst battles in prayer I faced as I interceded and cried out for her soul was between the hours of 12A.M., to 3A.M.

    Dad called me around 7A.M., “Dave, your grandma just passed away.”.     “I know.”, I said, “Some-time between 12A.M. and 3A.M. right?”    “Yeh, how did you know?   Doctors can’t say for sure, but that’s when they estimate that it happened”    “I just know that’s all.”, I replied.  

    For the first time since my second death, I realized that it was on the wings of my prayers that Grandma was to make her voyage from earth to God’s Third Heaven.     I had been there, so I knew some of the battles she might face.    So new to the Power of God’s Saving Grace in being Born-Again; she needed someone to pray her all the way up through the second heaven into God’s Heaven to make it Home.    Jesus used me to be my Grandma’s advocate from earth to expedite, and accelerate her to Heaven.

    In my confusion of where the funeral services were at; I went to the cemetery where she had already been put, and with the pain of anguish of loss, and tears streaming from my eyes I prayed the strangest prayer ever.    I laid down from weakness with my face to the sky, next to Grandma’s grave, and prayed a prayer of release of her soul to safely make it all the way through to the heart of God in Heaven with a seal that no one could call her back to life from earth,…that she was in Heaven with Jesus to stay. 

    Grandpa Sturgil, and his new wife Rose, I would get to have a relationship with too.   Rose would eventually prove to be the best Christian wife for Grandpa ever, though their marriage may have not started out that way.    Grandma Rose would grow immensely in the Lord, but Grandpa wouldn’t.    It was the oddest thing to see happen.     In their last days on earth, both found themselves in the hospital (I think it was St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, Ky.)for different ailments, but from private strivings between each other, neither one could stand to be with each other.    I believe it may have been about Faith or the lack there-of.    Grandpa would die shortly there-after.     Grandma Rose would die a little later, knowing Jesus, but Grandpa???…who knows?     I didn’t get to be with Grandpa Sturgil, and lead him to Jesus, and have a relationship like I did with Grandma Florence—he just wouldn’t open up.   It was the worst thing of all, my parents didn’t even want me to goto grandma Rose’s funeral.   

    My step-dad Steve, and my mom Chris had a lot in common when it came to parents.    Just as Steve didn’t have a mom that talked to him for over 20years, so too, my mom had a Dad, and Step-mother that didn’t talk with her.    They tried, but there was just too much that Grandma and Grandpa Rossi wouldn’t come to the surface with to have a real relationship.    I just showed up on their doorstep one day to let them know they had a grand-son that wanted to know them too.    The visit went well, but over time they showed; They didn’t want me either. 

      After all these deaths my fervent prayers would be the same, “Lord Jesus help them through the second heaven into Your Third Heaven to be with you forever…I release them into Your Care.  Amen.” 

     The closest Grandparents that I had was my grandpa, and grandma Collins in Akron, Ohio.     Grandpa Jim would die in 1978, when I was in the 5th Grade, on the operating table during a bypass operation.    I can only hope he got saved before he passed away.     I remember wishing to God that I would or could’ve taken his place.

    Grandma Collins was a church goer, and seldom at that.    The church she grew up in as a child in Akron, Ohio, eventually became a demonic homosexual church, and then closed.    Grandma Collins had the most loving, giving, beautiful heart, but even after grandpa died, even after I helped her through the physical heart troubles she faced in the early 1990’s, she would eventually shack-up with a fella that lead her further from God.    Only after that relationship failed, and she lay dying in my Uncle Dan’s home in Columbus, Ohio, was I able to lead her through the sinner’s prayer to receive Jesus, and she got Saved.   She would die just days later.      





    You want to know who it was that prayed me in.   It was my Nana, Great Grand-mother Elizabeth Ellis.    She got Saved somewhere around the age of 60, in her 83years of age.   When I’d go to her home to spend the night as a kid, she not just took me to church, but taught me to pray.   And as often as she led me to Jesus, I wish I could say that I Surrendered all to Him at such a young age.    I didn’t.    Nana left a real legacy of Faith… Nana passed just years after my brain surgeries; I may have been 20.   Though I was one who lived his life as if going to church showed God I was His, and as if I was getting in on the coat-tails of my Nana’s Faith and Relationship; I would eventually get real, and get right with God only after realizing I had been playing church all the way to reaching the age of 29, in 1997.


    God will forgive you of all your sins, if only you repent of all of them and truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord.  We must lay all our sin, our naked shame and debaucheries, and hurts that were done to us and that we’ve done to others at the feet of Jesus. 

    I am no different than you—I’ve been shamed and a victim of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse done to me when I was a child, and even as an adult.—I’ve had to forgive.   –I’ve been the perpetrator of a week in sexual sin as a 13year old adolescent; inciting incestual fondling—of which I was duly deservedly punished for and lovingly received appropriate extensive counseling and intensive counseling for being the perpetrator of those sins.   I am so thankful of my parents Jeff, and Beth of how they handled it.  Later, by a friend of the family named Phyllis that I confessed my sins to, knowing the depth of my sinfulness, I was almost brought to saving faith in Jesus through her at the age of 14—she told me about Jesus, but didn’t lead or know how to lead me in the sinners’ prayer, or maybe in her remorse with us forgot to.   If only I had received Jesus as Lord at an earlier age—I would have spared myself so many hurts, and especially hurting others.   You know, I’ve definitely been guilty of emotional abuse as an un-saved adult;-the older I get the more I think there are times we’re all guilty of that before salvation though I could be wrong.   I’m guilty of coveting and greed, lying, cheating, stealing, addictions, fornicating through pre-marital sex, pornography, and masturbation, murdering my parents and others out of my heart, not going to church in keeping the Sabbath Holy, taking God’s Name, Jesus’ Name in vane, for not letting God be God in my life—For all these ; I’ve asked for forgiveness.

    Before salvation, my sins were always before me.  And how is it with you my friend?  Oh, we may straighten up on our own, but our sins are always before us.   We can cram them, and stuff them behind us all we want to, but unless we receive Jesus God’s Son as Lord, those sins keep coming up to the surface because we are still guilty; the reminders are there to convict us.   And what about the new ones that you commit; do you have a Savior Who can wash you clean with His Innocent Blood, and Forgive you afresh to a newly repentant heart; or is there no hope for you because you choose to still sink in your sins?

    If you have read all of this, and you still haven’t received Jesus into your soul and heart to rule you with His all embracing forgiveness, gentle tender kindness, and loving-infilling of His Holy Spirit,-then your heart will become harder still, and all this is for you is just the informational quotient which that alone(the informational quotient) is not able to save you, and you are still lost in your trespasses—and worse, you have no guarantee that you’ll breath another breath, or live another day, or celebrate another birthday; or get another chance to truly receive Christ Jesus as Lord that you may know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection.  I implore you, do not deceive yourself into thinking that there is another way to God—there isn’t.John3:16 …Or, into thinking that you can put this off till later.IICorinthians6:2—you can’t without separating yourself even further from God.   Choose God, by Choosing Jesus Christ His Son to be Lord of your life, and you’ll start living out The Dream that God has always been Dreaming for you to Live in His     Love by having a personal relationship with Him. 

    “I Will Let You Choose”

    By Max Lucado

    God‘s Promise Through the Two Crosses

    There Jesus was nailed to the cross,

    And on each side of Him a man was also nailed to a cross.

    John 19:18CEV


    The prison has been stormed, and the gates of the prison have been opened,

    But unless we leave our prison cells and

    Go forward into the light of freedom,

    We are still unredeemed in actuality.

    Donald Bloesch


    On the wood of the Cross the world was saved all at once,

    And whoever is lost losses himself,

    Because he will not receive the Saviour,

    Because he falls again and repeats the fall of Adam.

    Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf

    Meet Edwin Thomas, a master of the stage.  During the latter half of the 1800’s, this small man with the huge voice had few rivals.  Debuting in Richard III at the age of fifteen, he quickly established himself as a premier Shakespearean actor.  In New York he performed Hamlet for one hundred consecutive nights.  In London he won the approval of the tough British critics.  When it came to tragedy on the stage, Edwin Thomas was in a select group.

    When it came to tragedy in life, the same could be said as well.

    Edwin had two brothers, John and Junius.  Both were actors, although neither rose to his stature.  In 1863, the three siblings united their talents to perform Julius Caesar.   The fact that Edwin’s brother John took the role of Brutus was an eerie harbinger of what awaited the brothers—and the nation—two years hence.

    For this John who played the assassin in Julius Caesar is the same John who took the role of assassin in Ford’s Theatre.  On a crisp April night in 1865, he stole quietly into the rear of a box in the Washington theater and fired a bullet at the head of Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, the last name of the brothers was Booth—Edwin Thomas Booth and John Wilkes Booth.

    Edwin was never the same after that night.  Shame from his brother’s crime drove him into retirement.  He might never have returned to the stage had it not been for a twist of fate at a New Jersey train station.  Edwin was awaiting his coach when a well-dressed young man, pressed by the crowd, lost his footing and fell between the platform and a moving train.  Without hesitation, Edwin locked a leg around a railing, grabbed the man, and pulled him to safety.  After the sighs of relief, the young man recognized the famous Edwin Booth.
    Edwin, however, didn’t recognize the young man he’d rescued.  That knowledge came weeks later in a letter, a letter he carried in his pocket to the grave.   A letter from General Adams Budeau chief secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant.  A letter thanking Edwin Booth for saving the life of the child of an American hero, Abraham Lincoln.  How ironic that while one brother killed the President, the other brother saved the president’s son.  The boy Edwin Booth yanked to safety?  Robert Todd Lincoln.

    Edwin, and John Booth.  Same father, mother, profession, and passion—yet one chooses life, the other, death.  How could it happen?  I don’t know, but it does.  Though their story is dramatic, it’s not unique.

    Abel and Cain, both sons of Adam.  Abel chooses God.  Cain chooses murder.  And God lets him.

    Abraham and Lot, both pilgrims in Canaan.  Abraham chooses God.  Lot chooses Sodom.  And God lets him.

    David and Saul, both kings of Israel.  David chooses God.  Saul chooses power.  And God lets him.

    Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord.  Peter seeks mercy.  Judas seeks death.  And God lets him.

    In every age of history, on every page of Scripture, the truth is revealed: God allows us to make our own choices.

    And no one concisely depicts this more clearly than Jesus.  According to Him, we can choose:

    a narrow gate or a wide gate(Matt. 7:13,14)

    a narrow road or a wide road(Matt. 7:13,14)

    the big crowd or the small crowd(Matt.7:13,14)

    We can choose to:

    build on rock or sand(Matt.7:24—27)

    serve God or riches(Matt. 6:24)

    be numbered among the sheep or the goats(Matt.25:32,33)

    “Then they [those who rejected God] will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to everlasting life”(Matt. 25:25-46NIV). 

    God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.

    Isn’t this the reminder of Calvary’s trio?  Ever wonder why there were two crosses next to Christ?  Why not six or ten?  Ever wonder why Jesus was in the center?  Why not the far right or far left?  Could it be that the two crosses on the hill symbolize one of God’s greatest gifts?  The gift of choice.

    The two criminals have so much in common.  Convicted by the same system.  Condemned to the same death.  Surrounded by the same crowd.  Equally close to the same Jesus.  In fact, they begin with the same sarcasm: “The two criminals also said cruel things to Jesus”(Matt. 27:44CEV).

    But one changed.

    (Luke 23:39-43)One of the criminals on a cross began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ?  Then save yourself and us.”  But the other criminal stopped him and said, “You should fear God!  You are getting the same punishment He is.  We are punished justly, getting what we deserve for what we did.  But this man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”  Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Much has been said about the prayer of the penitent thief, and it certainly warrants our admiration.   But while we rejoice at the thief who changed, dare we forget the one who didn’t?  What about him, Jesus?   Wouldn’t a personal invitation be appropriate?  Wouldn’t a word of persuasion be timely?

    Does not the shepherd leave the ninety-nine sheep and pursue the one lost?  Does not the housewife sweep the house until the lost coin is found?  Yes, the shepherd does, and the housewife does, but the father of the prodigal, remember, ….does nothing.

    The sheep was lost innocently.

    The coin was lost irresponsibly.

    But the prodigal son left intentionally.

    The father gave him the choice.  Jesus gave both criminals the same.

    There are times when God sends thunder to stir us.  There are times when God sends blessings to lure us.  But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as He honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.

    And what an honor it is!  In so many areas of life we have no choice.   Think about it.  You didn’t choose your gender.   You didn’t choose your siblings.  You didn’t choose your race or place of birth. 

    Sometimes our lack of choices angers us.   “It’s not fair,” we say.  It’s not fair that I was born in poverty or that I sing so poorly that I run so slowly.  But the scales of life were forever tipped on the side of fairness when God planted a tree in the Garden of Eden.  All complaints were silenced when Adam and his descendants were given free will, the freedom to make whatever eternal choice we desire.  Any injustices in this life is offset by the honor of choosing our destiny in the next.

    Wouldn’t you agree?  Would you have wanted otherwise?  Would you have preferred the opposite?  You choose everything in this life, and He chooses where you spend the next?  You choose the size of your nose, the color of your hair, and your DNA structure, and He chooses where you spend eternity?  Is that what you would prefer?

    It would have been nice if God let us order life like we order a meal.  I’ll take good health and high IQ.  I’ll pass on the music skills, but give me a fast metabolism… Would’ve been nice.  But it didn’t happen.  When it came to your life on earth, you weren’t given a voice or a vote.

    But when it comes to life after death, you were.  In my book that seems like a good deal.  Wouldn’t you agree?

    Have we been given any greater privilege than that of choice? 

    Not only does this privilege offset any injustice, the gift of free will can offset any mistakes.

    Think about the thief who repented.  Though we know little about him, we know this: he made some mistakes in his life.  He chose the wrong crowd, the wrong morals, the wrong behavior.  But would you consider his life a waste?  Is he spending eternity reaping the fruit of all the bad choices he made?  No, just the opposite.  He is enjoying the fruit of The One Good Choice he made.  In the end all his bad choices were redeemed by a solitary good one. 

    You’ve made some bad choices in life, haven’t you?   You’ve chosen the wrong friends, maybe the wrong career, even the wrong spouse.  You look back over your life and say, “If only… If only I could make up for those bad choices.”  You can.  One good choice for eternity offsets a thousand bad ones on earth. 

    The choice is yours.

    How can two bothers be born of the same mother, grow up in the same home, and one chooses life and the other chooses death?  I don’t know, but they do.

    How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock Him and the other choose to pray to Him?  I don’t know, but they did.

    And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him.  And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let Him.

    He allowed him the choice.

    He does the same for you.

    The invitation is given.  The choice is yours.  By FAITH, With all your heart, and hearts devotion pray to receive Jesus as Lord;

    Father God in Heaven,


    Have mercy on my soul.   I am a sinner,…Your ten commandments that you give us in the Bible…I think I’ve broken all of them, and I know I can’t save myself.   Jesus….I need You to Save me.   Jesus…. I believe that You are the Son of God, and that You came into this world to make dead people like me alive to God.    I believe that You were Born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of by the Holy Ghost in her womb, and that You were Born in the flesh, and Lived by the Spirit on this earth, and died for me…You who knew no sin became the only perfect atonement for my sin to be crucified by sinful men like me when You hung on that cross.   And I believe that that You rose from the dead, and are right now at the right hand of God making intercession for everyone who calls upon You.   I’m tired of playing games, and today I surrender my will to You.   I repent of all my addictions, yes all my sins and give to You all of me.    Jesus…Wash me clean from all my sins with Your Blood; Your Love poured out through Your Blood that You shed for me on Calvary’s Hill to cleanse me, and Forgive me, I pray, of all my sins by Your Grace.   And come and make me new from within, yes, come into my soul and rule and reign on the throne of my heart and be my Lord.   Jesus,…I surrender all I am to You.   Come Lord and be my God and take control of my life,… I surrender all to You.    Father God, ….I thank You for giving me Your Son.   Jesus,…I thank You for coming into my heart to be the Lord of my Life by Giving me Your Holy Spirit.   Today,  I Believe, and Trust You and will Fallow You every second of every day of my life, and am Born –Again of Your Holy Spirit and am born into the Family of God, and that I am no longer an enemy of Yours, but are now a son/or daughter of Yours.   Thank You God, Thank You  Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit.  

    In Your Name I pray Jesus. Amen. 


    As Jesus washed the disciples feet as living example of how we should serve…so this has been me washing your feet. This just part of my trading my title for a towel. 

    What every person should know about going to Heaven…Jesus is the Only Way to God.